Dark Souls 3 Can You Parry Than Use the Dark Hands Weapon Art

parrying dagger

Parrying Dagger

icon wp physicalAttack

60 physical defense shield icon 30.0

icon magicbonus


magic defense shield icon


icon firebonus


fire defense shield icon


icon lightningbonus

- lightning defense shield icon 15.0

icon darkbonus


dark defense shield icon


icon wp critical

110 icon wp stability 15
icon weight 1.0

icon durabilitiy

Requirements & Bonus

icon strength 22

icon dexterity 22

icon intelligence 22

icon faith 22

E C - -
5 14 0 0
weapon type icon Dagger damage type icon Slash/Thrust
skill icon Parry icon fp cost -

Parrying Dagger is a Weapon inNight Souls 3.

Dagger with a greatly curved guard.

A dagger fabricated especially for parrying which is usually equipped in 1'southward left hand in place of a shield.

Skill: Parry
Repel an attack at the correct time to follow upward with a disquisitional striking. Works while equipped in either hand.

Notes and Tips:

  • Reinforcement Cloth: Titanite
  • Infusable: Yes
  • Buffable: Yeah
  • On parry, this weapon has 6 startup frames and 4 active frames
    • This weapon'south fast startup, light weight, and relatively long frames, brand it a decent parrying tool overall.
  • All weapons have motion values assigned to each assail, which are modifiers to AR that are associated with the attack being used.
    • The Parrying Dagger has a motion value of 360 on backstab, 432 on riposte, and 72+420 on Hornet Band riposte. The movement value of a backstab with a dagger does not change with Hornet Band.
    • This means that bated from a difference in AR, no infusion is strictly better for ripostes, as all infusions will get the same motion value, with the only departure beingness AR. Use whatsoever infusion will net the near damage for the best results.
    • Annotation that Nighttime damage does not benefit from Hornet Band in PvP.
  • The Parrying Dagger has a range of 13.5sp on the 2h R1.
    • sp, or Shield Pokes, are a unit of measurable altitude to determine the range of a weapon. Sure actions create dissimilar distances from a wall, allowing one to test the range of sure attacks. While this testing isn't 100% accurate, information technology is a very good indicator of the ranges of each attack.
  • Every bit this weapon is not typically used for dealing damage, its recommended to infuse it with a Blessed Precious stone or Simple Gem to gain passive HP or FP regen. (Upgrading the weapon will cause you to regen more often)

Location/Where to Detect

  • Sold by Unbreakable Patches for 2000 souls.

Moveset and Videos:


Parrying Dagger Upgrade Table



heavy icon

sharp icon

refined icon

raw icon

crystal icon

simple icon

fire icon

chaos icon

lightning icon

blessed icon

deep icon

dark icon

blood icon

poison icon

hollow infusion icon

Overview tabular array for all upgrades at max level. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Furnishings Harm Reduction (%)
Proper name

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp bleed

icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability

Regular +10 120 - - - - Due east B - - - - - 30 twenty 15 15 twenty 18
Heavy +ten 111 - - - - A - - - - - - xxx xx 15 15 20 sixteen
Sharp +10 111 - - - - E Southward - - - - - 30 20 15 15 twenty sixteen
Refined +10 108 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 20 xv xv 20 16
Raw +10 182 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.five 19 14.two 14.2 19 xv
Crystal +10 94 94 - - - Due east C A - - - - 28 22 14.ii xiv.ii 19 15
Elementary +ten 80 83 - - - E B A - - - - 28 22 14.ii 14.2 xix fifteen
Fire +10 138 - 138 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 18 14.2 nineteen xv
Chaos +10 80 - 83 - - East B B B - - - 28.5 19 16.5 fourteen.2 19 15
Lightning +10 94 - - 94 - Eastward C - A - - - 28.5 nineteen xiv.2 16.5 nineteen fifteen
Blessed +10 94 - - - - Eastward B - A - - - 28.five nineteen xiv.two 14.2 19 14
Deep +10 138 - - - 138 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.ii xiv.2 24 15
Night +10 80 - - - 83 E B B B - - - 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.ii 22 15
Blood +10 93 - - - - Due east B - - 52 - - 28.five 19 14.two 14.2 19 fifteen
Poison +x 93 - - - - Eastward B - - - 52 - 28.5 19 14.2 14.ii nineteen xv
Hollow +10
luck ?? icon item discovery ??
114 - - - - Due east B - - - - - 28.5 19 14.ii 14.2 nineteen 14

Requires regular reinforcement, totalling 1727 souls, 12x titanite shards, 12x large titanite shards, 12x titanite chunks and ane titanite slab.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Harm Reduction (%)
Proper name

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Regular 60 - - - - E C - - - - - 30 20 15 15 xx xv
Regular +1 66 - - - - E C - - - - - xxx xx xv 15 xx 15
Regular +ii 72 - - - - East C - - - - - xxx twenty xv fifteen xx xv
Regular +3 78 - - - - E C - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 15
Regular +four 84 - - - - E B - - - - - thirty twenty 15 15 20 fifteen
Regular +5 90 - - - - E B - - - - - 30 20 15 15 twenty fifteen
Regular +vi 96 - - - - E B - - - - - xxx 20 15 15 20 sixteen
Regular +7 102 - - - - E B - - - - - 30 20 15 15 xx 17
Regular +8 108 - - - - Eastward B - - - - - thirty 20 15 xv 20 17
Regular +9 114 - - - - East B - - - - - 30 20 15 15 xx 17
Regular +10 120 - - - - E B - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 twenty 18

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Heavy Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Proper noun

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Heavy 58 - - - - C - - - - - - xxx twenty 15 15 20 15
Heavy +ane 64 - - - - C - - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 15
Heavy +two 69 - - - - B - - - - - - thirty 20 fifteen 15 20 15
Heavy +three 74 - - - - B - - - - - - xxx 20 fifteen 15 xx 15
Heavy +4 79 - - - - B - - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 15
Heavy +5 84 - - - - B - - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 20 15
Heavy +6 ninety - - - - A - - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 20 15
Heavy +vii 95 - - - - A - - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 xvi
Heavy +viii 100 - - - - A - - - - - - thirty 20 15 15 20 16
Heavy +9 105 - - - - A - - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 20 16
Heavy +10 111 - - - - A - - - - - - 30 20 xv 15 20 16

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Sharp Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Impairment Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Abrupt 57 - - - - East A - - - - - 30 20 xv 15 20 xv
Sharp +1 62 - - - - E A - - - - - xxx 20 xv 15 20 xv
Sharp +ii 67 - - - - E A - - - - - xxx 20 xv 15 20 15
Sharp +3 73 - - - - E A - - - - - xxx 20 15 15 twenty 15
Sharp +4 78 - - - - Due east S - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 15
Precipitous +five 84 - - - - E S - - - - - thirty 20 15 15 20 15
Abrupt +half-dozen 89 - - - - Eastward S - - - - - 30 xx 15 fifteen 20 fifteen
Sharp +seven 94 - - - - Eastward S - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 20 xvi
Sharp +8 100 - - - - East S - - - - - 30 twenty 15 fifteen xx 16
Sharp +9 105 - - - - E Due south - - - - - 30 20 15 xv 20 16
Precipitous +ten 111 - - - - E S - - - - - 30 20 xv fifteen 20 16

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Refined Gem.

Assail ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Harm Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Refined 54 - - - - C C - - - - - xxx twenty fifteen 15 20 fifteen
Refined +1 59 - - - - C C - - - - - xxx 20 15 xv 20 xv
Refined +two 64 - - - - C C - - - - - xxx 20 xv fifteen 20 15
Refined +three 70 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 twenty 15 xv 20 15
Refined +4 75 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 xx 15 15 20 15
Refined +5 81 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 15
Refined +6 86 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 xx xv fifteen 20 15
Refined +vii 91 - - - - C C - - - - - xxx 20 fifteen fifteen 20 sixteen
Refined +eight 97 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 20 xv xv 20 16
Refined +9 102 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 20 15 xv xx 16
Refined +10 108 - - - - C C - - - - - 30 20 15 15 20 16

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Raw Precious stone.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Furnishings Damage Reduction (%)
Proper noun

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Raw fourscore - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.two 14.2 nineteen 15
Raw +1 92 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.v 19 fourteen.ii 14.2 19 15
Raw +2 104 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 14.two 19 xv
Raw +three 116 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.2 xiv.2 19 fifteen
Raw +4 126 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.2 19 fifteen
Raw +5 135 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.five 19 14.2 14.2 19 xv
Raw +6 144 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 14.2 19 15
Raw +7 154 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 19 15
Raw +8 163 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 19 fifteen
Raw +9 172 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.ii xiv.2 xix xv
Raw +x 182 - - - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 xix xv

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Crystal Gem.

Assail ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Proper name

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability
Crystal 54 54 - - - E D C - - - - 28.five xx 14.2 14.2 nineteen xv
Crystal +1 58 58 - - - East D C - - - - 28.5 20.ii 14.ii 14.2 xix 15
Crystal +2 62 62 - - - E D B - - - - 28.5 20.4 14.2 14.2 19 15
Crystal +3 66 66 - - - E D B - - - - 28.5 20.six xiv.ii xiv.two 19 15
Crystal +4 70 70 - - - E C B - - - - 28.five 20.viii 14.2 14.2 nineteen 15
Crystal +5 74 74 - - - Due east C A - - - - 28.5 21 14.2 14.2 19 15
Crystal +6 78 78 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 21.2 14.two 14.2 19 15
Crystal +seven 82 82 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 21.four 14.2 xiv.ii xix 15
Crystal +8 86 86 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 21.vi fourteen.2 fourteen.2 19 15
Crystal +9 90 90 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 21.8 14.2 14.two 19 15
Crystal +10 94 94 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 22 14.2 14.two 19 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Uncomplicated Jewel.

Assail ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Harm Reduction (%)
Proper name

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Unproblematic 54 54 - - - Eastward D D - - - - 28.5 20 14.2 xiv.ii 19 fifteen
Simple +ane 57 57 - - - E C D - - - - 28.v 20.2 14.ii 14.2 19 15
Simple +2 59 60 - - - Eastward C C - - - - 28.5 xx.4 14.2 14.ii xix 15
Simple +3 62 63 - - - Due east C C - - - - 28.five 20.six fourteen.ii 14.ii 19 15
Simple +four 64 66 - - - E C B - - - - 28.v 20.viii 14.2 14.2 19 15
Simple +5 67 69 - - - East C B - - - - 28.5 21 fourteen.2 14.2 nineteen xv
Elementary +half-dozen lxx 72 - - - E C A - - - - 28.5 21.2 14.two fourteen.2 19 15
Simple +7 72 75 - - - E B A - - - - 28.5 21.4 14.ii 14.ii 19 15
Simple +eight 75 78 - - - E B A - - - - 28.five 21.6 xiv.ii 14.two 19 15
Simple +9 77 81 - - - E B A - - - - 28.five 21.8 xiv.2 14.2 nineteen 15
Elementary +10 80 83 - - - E B A - - - - 28.five 22 14.2 xiv.two 19 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Fire Precious stone.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Impairment Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Burn 63 - 63 - - - - - - - - - 28.v nineteen 16.5 14.ii xix 15
Fire +ane 70 - lxx - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 16.half dozen 14.2 19 15
Burn down +2 77 - 77 - - - - - - - - - 28.v xix 16.viii 14.2 nineteen 15
Burn down +3 84 - 84 - - - - - - - - - 28.five 19 17 xiv.2 19 15
Fire +4 89 - 89 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 17.1 xiv.2 19 xv
Fire +5 97 - 97 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 17.2 14.ii 19 xv
Fire +6 105 - 105 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 17.4 fourteen.2 19 15
Burn +seven 114 - 114 - - - - - - - - - 28.v 19 17.5 14.ii 19 15
Fire +eight 122 - 122 - - - - - - - - - 28.v 19 17.7 14.2 19 fifteen
Burn +9 130 - 130 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 17.9 fourteen.2 nineteen xv
Fire +x 138 - 138 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 19 eighteen 14.2 19 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Chaos Jewel.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Anarchy 58 - 58 - - Due east East D D - - - 28.five nineteen 15 14.2 19 15
Chaos +1 sixty - 60 - - E D D C - - - 28.five 19 15.1 14.2 xix xv
Chaos +two 62 - 63 - - E D C C - - - 28.5 19 15.3 xiv.ii xix 15
Chaos +3 64 - 66 - - Eastward D C C - - - 28.v 19 fifteen.iv 14.2 19 xv
Chaos +4 67 - 68 - - E C B B - - - 28.5 19 xv.6 14.2 19 15
Chaos +5 69 - 71 - - Eastward C B B - - - 28.5 19 fifteen.7 14.2 19 15
Chaos +6 71 - 73 - - E C B B - - - 28.5 19 15.9 14.2 nineteen 15
Chaos +7 73 - 76 - - Eastward C B B - - - 28.5 xix 16.1 14.ii 19 15
Chaos +8 75 - 78 - - E C B B - - - 28.5 19 xvi.2 xiv.2 xix 15
Chaos +ix 78 - 81 - - E B B B - - - 28.5 19 16.4 fourteen.2 xix 15
Chaos +10 eighty - 83 - - E B B B - - - 28.v 19 16.5 xiv.2 xix fifteen

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Lightning Precious stone.

Set on ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Furnishings Impairment Reduction (%)
Proper noun

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Lightning 54 - - 54 - East D - C - - - 28.5 19 14.two 15 19 15
Lightning +1 58 - - 58 - E D - C - - - 28.5 19 14.2 15.ane 19 xv
Lightning +two 62 - - 62 - E D - B - - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 15.three 19 15
Lightning +3 66 - - 66 - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 fourteen.2 15.4 19 15
Lightning +4 70 - - 70 - E C - A - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.ii 15.vi 19 xv
Lightning +5 74 - - 74 - Due east C - A - - - 28.5 xix 14.2 15.eight xix xv
Lightning +6 78 - - 78 - Due east C - A - - - 28.five 19 fourteen.two 15.9 19 xv
Lightning +7 82 - - 82 - East C - A - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.2 16.1 xix 15
Lightning +8 86 - - 86 - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 16.ii 19 15
Lightning +nine 90 - - 90 - E C - A - - - 28.5 xix 14.ii 16.4 19 15
Lightning +10 94 - - 94 - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 14.2 16.5 19 fifteen

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Blessed Precious stone.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Proper name

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Blessed 58 - - - - E D - C - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.ii fourteen.two 19 14
Blessed +1 62 - - - - Due east C - B - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.two 19 14
Blessed +2 65 - - - - E C - B - - - 28.v 19 14.2 14.2 19 fourteen
Blessed +three 69 - - - - E C - B - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.2 14.two 19 14
Blessed +4 73 - - - - East C - A - - - 28.5 xix 14.2 14.ii nineteen 14
Blessed +five 76 - - - - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 xiv.ii 14.two 19 xiv
Blessed +6 fourscore - - - - Eastward C - A - - - 28.5 19 fourteen.2 xiv.ii 19 14
Blessed +7 83 - - - - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 14.2 19 fourteen
Blessed +8 87 - - - - E C - A - - - 28.5 19 xiv.two xiv.2 19 14
Blest +nine 91 - - - - Due east C - A - - - 28.five 19 xiv.2 xiv.2 nineteen 14
Blessed +x 94 - - - - E C - A - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.2 14.two 19 14

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Deep Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Deep 63 - - - 63 - - - - - - - 28.five 19 xiv.2 14.2 22 15
Deep +i 70 - - - seventy - - - - - - - 28.5 xix 14.two xiv.2 22.2 15
Deep +2 77 - - - 77 - - - - - - - 28.5 xix 14.2 xiv.2 22.iv fifteen
Deep +iii 84 - - - 84 - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.2 14.two 22.half dozen 15
Deep +4 89 - - - 89 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 xiv.ii 14.ii 22.eight 15
Deep +five 97 - - - 97 - - - - - - - 28.five xix 14.ii fourteen.2 23 fifteen
Deep +six 105 - - - 105 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.ii 23.2 xv
Deep +7 114 - - - 114 - - - - - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.two 14.two 23.four 15
Deep +8 122 - - - 122 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 fourteen.2 23.6 15
Deep +9 130 - - - 130 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 23.viii 15
Deep +10 138 - - - 138 - - - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.2 24 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Dark Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Dark 58 - - - 58 E E D D - - - 28.5 nineteen 14.ii 14.2 20 15
Dark +one lx - - - 60 E D C C - - - 28.v 19 14.2 fourteen.2 twenty.2 xv
Dark +2 62 - - - 63 Due east D C C - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 twenty.iv 15
Dark +3 64 - - - 66 Eastward D C C - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 20.6 xv
Night +4 67 - - - 68 E C B B - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 20.8 15
Night +5 69 - - - 71 Due east C B B - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 21 15
Night +vi 71 - - - 73 E C B B - - - 28.v nineteen 14.2 14.2 21.2 15
Dark +vii 73 - - - 76 Eastward C B B - - - 28.5 xix 14.2 14.two 21.4 xv
Dark +8 75 - - - 78 E C B B - - - 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.ii 21.6 15
Dark +9 78 - - - 81 E B B B - - - 28.5 19 14.ii 14.ii 21.8 15
Dark +10 80 - - - 83 E B B B - - - 28.five 19 14.ii 14.2 22 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Claret Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Furnishings Damage Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Blood 54 - - - - E C - - - - xxx 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 19 15
Blood +i 57 - - - - E C - - - - 32 28.5 19 14.2 14.ii 19 15
Blood +two 61 - - - - East C - - - - 34 28.5 nineteen 14.ii 14.2 19 fifteen
Claret +3 65 - - - - Due east C - - - - 36 28.5 19 14.two xiv.two nineteen 15
Blood +iv 69 - - - - East B - - - - 38 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 19 15
Blood +5 73 - - - - E B - - - - forty 28.five xix xiv.2 14.2 xix 15
Blood +6 77 - - - - E B - - - - 42 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.two 19 15
Claret +7 81 - - - - E B - - - - 44 28.v 19 14.ii fourteen.2 19 15
Blood +8 85 - - - - E B - - - - 46 28.five 19 xiv.2 14.2 19 fifteen
Claret +nine 89 - - - - East B - - - - 48 28.5 nineteen fourteen.two fourteen.2 19 15
Blood +x 93 - - - - Due east B - - - - 52 28.5 19 fourteen.ii 14.2 nineteen fifteen

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Poisonous substance Gem.

Set on ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Harm Reduction (%)

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Poison 54 - - - - Eastward C - - 36 - - 28.5 19 fourteen.2 14.ii 19 15
Toxicant +1 57 - - - - E C - - 38 - - 28.v 19 xiv.ii fourteen.2 19 xv
Poisonous substance +2 61 - - - - E C - - 40 - - 28.5 xix 14.2 fourteen.two 19 xv
Poisonous substance +3 65 - - - - Due east C - - 42 - - 28.5 19 14.two 14.2 19 15
Poison +4 69 - - - - Due east B - - 44 - - 28.5 19 xiv.ii xiv.2 xix 15
Poison +5 73 - - - - East B - - 46 - - 28.five 19 14.2 14.ii xix 15
Poison +6 77 - - - - East B - - 48 - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 14.2 19 fifteen
Toxicant +7 81 - - - - Eastward B - - fifty - - 28.5 19 xiv.2 14.ii 19 15
Poison +eight 85 - - - - E B - - 53 - - 28.5 19 14.ii 14.2 19 15
Poison +9 89 - - - - E B - - 55 - - 28.five 19 14.2 fourteen.2 nineteen 15
Poison +ten 93 - - - - E B - - 58 - - 28.5 xix 14.2 14.2 nineteen 15

Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls + Hollow Gem.

Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Proper noun

icon wp physicalAttack

icon magicbonus

icon firebonus

icon lightningbonus

icon darkbonus





luck icon item discovery

icon wp poisonbld

icon wp frost

icon wp bleed

icon wp physicaldef

icon wp magicdef

icon wp firedef

icon wp lightningdef

icon wp darkdef

icon wp stability2
Hollow 57 - - - - E C - - - - - 28.v 19 xiv.2 14.2 nineteen 14
Hollow +i 62 - - - - E C - - - - - 28.5 nineteen fourteen.ii 14.2 19 14
Hollow +2 68 - - - - Due east C - - - - - 28.5 19 fourteen.ii 14.ii nineteen fourteen
Hollow +3 74 - - - - Eastward C - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 14.2 xix 14
Hollow +four 79 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 xiv.2 19 14
Hollow +5 85 - - - - East B - - - - - 28.5 xix xiv.2 14.2 19 14
Hollow +6 91 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.5 19 fourteen.two 14.2 19 xiv
Hollow +vii 96 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.v 19 14.2 14.2 xix 14
Hollow +8 102 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.v nineteen 14.2 14.two 19 14
Hollow +9 108 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.5 19 14.2 fourteen.two nineteen 14
Hollow +10 114 - - - - E B - - - - - 28.5 19 fourteen.2 14.2 xix 14

Tabular array Key

Parameter Bonus : Force, Dexterity,Magic, Burn, Lightning and Nighttime bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Scaling quality is from highest to everyman equally follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The college the actor'southward [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the college the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (institute on the thespian condition screen). The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percentage multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus harm is added to the base concrete harm of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X".
Durability: The weapon'south HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the betoken of about uselessness. When an items immovability is depression, a bulletin will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped.
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing ready the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St)


Source: https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Parrying+Dagger

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